ESFIM, a formative space specialized in transition processes of living and dying, was born in 2020 within the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Mexico Centro Foundation.

In 2024, it is consolidated with its own strength, thanks to the growing interest in these topics, to provide tools for those who wish to train as compassionate companions in the transition processes inherent intrinsic aspects of living and dying.

We build our perspective on two basic concepts:

We deepen in the conviction that the elevation of consciousness implies expanding our appreciation of life beyond superficial or fearful perceptions of death, to exist wholeheartedly in a more present and authentic way, trusting that death is part of our nature.

Under this perspective, the evolution of the human condition defines the process of personal growth and transformation that arises when we consciously and reflectively traverse the processes of life transitions.


We dedicate to transforming the culture surrounding grief and death through conscious education, through the training of compassionate companions and the cultivation of an intentional, impassioned, most fulfilling life, undertaking the responsibility for our personal process of biological and symbolic transition as an act of deep awareness that favors the wellbeing of all as it contributes to the development of integral, responsible, and balanced individuals.


We aspire to build a society that integrates death as an essential part of our nature, as a transition that provides opportunities for reflection, the emotional connection and spiritual blossoming. By transforming the finitude consciousness, we contribute to a more compassionate and reflective society, conscious of and engaging with the beauty, complexity, and richness of life.


Continuing with this vision, in the journey towards the acceptance and integration of death, we find an inner compass that guides us to our fundamental values:

We accompany our experiences with deep respect and benevolence towards the the processes of transition and death.

We trust in the power of inner wisdom that evolves with conscious experiencephysical and we encourage recognition, honoring, and validation of each person’s unique experiences.

We embrace conscious cultural change, where each person takes responsibility for their process, taking death as an opportunity to reflect, grow and live genuinely.

We encourage reconnecting with our nature and trusting our inner capacity for deeply knowing and for healing.

We value and honor the uniqueness of each person and their own way of traversing their processes.

We surrender to the situations of life, recognizing that we do not have absolute control over them, but we do have the opportunity to collaborate with what is presented to us.

Who We Are

From ESFIM originates the first collaborative network that globally coordinates the institutions with endorsement to train and certify non-medical professionals with specialization as a Life, Death and Transition Doula or Compassionate Accompaniment in processes of transition of living and dying.

Each of us is imbued with an innate passion for and unwavering dedication to this work.

In every word, in every gesture, and in every interaction we seek to cultivate that seed of compassion that is nested in the depths of human beings.

Wilka Roig

Wilka Roig

Transpersonal psychologist, compassionate companion in transition processes, death doula and activist, dream worker, teacher, facilitator, artist, and writer. She leads the Latin American movement of death awareness, contributes in an essential capacity to the evolving international definition of the role and scope of End-of-Life Doulas, and advises and collaborates with international organizations dedicated to to accompaniment in life, death, grief and transition.

“My commitment with ESFIM is to lead us towards a horizon of elevation of consciousness and evolution. I trust the transformative power of compassionate accompaniment, which is based on the deep inner work of each individual who is called to this work. At ESFIM, training is the foundation on which we build a new, already emerging quality of humanity. We are dedicated to delivering programs of excellence that inspire and guide our members on their journey toward personal and collective growth.”

Transpersonal psychologist, companion in transition processes, death doula, dream worker, teacher, facilitator, artist and writer. She leads the Latin American network of end-of-life doulas and advises organizations linked to support in life, death, grief and transition.

“My commitment with ESFIM is to lead us towards a horizon of elevation of consciousness and evolution. I trust the transformative power of compassionate accompaniment, which is based on the deep inner work of each individual who is called to this work. At ESFIM, training is the foundation on which we build a new, already emerging quality of humanity. We are dedicated to delivering programs of excellence that inspire and guide our members on their journey toward personal and collective growth.”



Medical doctor, compassionate companion in transition processes and grief from gestational and perinatal loss. She is a practitioner of holistic, naturopath, and herbalist medicine, thanatologist, logotherapist, Biomagnetism therapist, ally in midwifery, and workshop facilitator.

"In this space, everything is allowed: exploration, reflection, doubt, and personal growth. I firmly believe in spiritual evolution through human experience. My purpose is to sow seeds of transformation in others, co-creating a world where we accompany each other responsibly and intentionally. My path is service; I will be where life takes me and where community accompanies me."

Physician, companion in transition processes, gestational and perinatal grief. In addition, she is a holistic medicine practitioner, naturopathic and herbalist, thanatologist, logotherapist, Biomagnetism therapist, midwife and workshop facilitator.

“In this space, everything is allowed: exploration, reflection, doubt and personal growth. I firmly believe in spiritual evolution through the human experience. My purpose is to sow seeds of transformation in others, co-creating a world where we accompany each other in a responsible and intentional way. My path is service, I will be where life takes me and where the community accompanies me.”



Compassionate companion in transition processes, dance therapist and certified dreamwork professional.

Dedicated to helping people know and develop personally and spiritually through creative expression towards greater growth, healing and transformation.

"I am committed to the evolution of the death culture and the full celebration of life. I am here to fulfill my calling: to contribute to the diminishing of fear of our natural cycles and tp transcending the negation of the "uncomfortable". I maintain that it is possible to live fully even in the midst of grief. On this journey, we are all equal and accompany each other with love and understanding."

Accompanying person in transition processes, dance therapist and certified professional in working with dreams.

Dedicated to helping people know and develop personally and spiritually through creative expression towards greater growth, healing and transformation.

“I am committed to the evolution of the culture of death and the full celebration of life. I am here to fulfill my calling: to help reduce the fear of natural cycles and transcend the denial of what is “uncomfortable”. I maintain that it is possible to live fully even in the midst of grief. On this journey, we are all equal and we accompany each other with love and understanding. “



Jungian-archetypal psychotherapist coming from various cultures and nations. He is also a compassionate companion in transition processes, dream worker, somatic movement educator, mythologist, integration therapist with entheogens, educator, Aikido sensei, and life, death, and transition doula, who consciously abandoned traditional studies in high school in order to receive a true education and forge the way through life and the psyche.

"La transformación, el cambio, la mutación, la transición y, a fin de cuentas, la muerte son los factores determinantes y los motores que impulsan, informan, nutren, crían a la vida y el cosmos y le otorgan su cualidad dinámica. En realidad, es nuestra negación de éstos que se convierte en el látigo que impulsa un fervor en nuestra cultura moderna hacia un estancamiento venenoso al nivel individual, colectivo y global. La máscara y presencia ubicua de ésta negación alimenta a nuestras cualidades más nefastas. No escucho a un llamado más imperativo y urgente que atender a este estatus quo maligno con una re-imaginación consciente y subversiva"

Jungian-archetypal psychotherapist coming from various cultures and nations. He is also a companion in transition processes, dream worker, educator in somatic movement, mythologist, integration therapist with entheogens, educator since his adolescence, sensei of aikido, and dula of death, life and transition, who consciously abandoned his studies traditional high school in order to receive a true education and forge their path through life and psyche.

"La transformación, el cambio, la mutación, la transición y, a fin de cuentas, la muerte son los factores determinantes y los motores que impulsan, informan, nutren, crían a la vida y el cosmos y le otorgan su cualidad dinámica. En realidad, es nuestra negación de éstos que se convierte en el látigo que impulsa un fervor en nuestra cultura moderna hacia un estancamiento venenoso al nivel individual, colectivo y global. La máscara y presencia ubicua de ésta negación alimenta a nuestras cualidades más nefastas. No escucho a un llamado más imperativo y urgente que atender a este estatus quo maligno con una re-imaginación consciente y subversiva"



Montse is a dance movement specialist and body movement therapist. Certified in sound wave therapy and skeletal and deep tissue maneuvers, Montse teaches the Frida Kaplan method of eutonic pregnancy and delivery, and the Feldenkrais method of self-awareness through movement and functional integration.

Montse is a dance movement specialist and body movement therapist. Certified in sound wave therapy and skeletal and deep tissue maneuvers, Montse teaches the Frida Kaplan method of eutonic pregnancy and delivery, and the Feldenkrais method of self-awareness through movement and functional integration.



Dayana is a medicine woman who defends the traditions of the original peoples, focusing on the integral enrichment of the individual and strengthening personal relationships through her work as a ceremonial ritualist, teacher, dancer of the moon, temazcal facilitator, mother, tarot reader, workshop facilitator and ritual organizer.

Dayana is a medicine woman who defends the traditions of the original peoples, focusing on the integral enrichment of the individual and strengthening personal relationships through her work as a ceremonial ritualist, teacher, dancer of the moon, temazcal facilitator, mother, tarot reader, workshop facilitator and ritual organizer.

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